September Prayer Topic: We are Originals

Don’t Compare
“Each one should test their own actions.  Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else.” Galatians 6:4
            “Her life is perfect.  She has it all together.  Her body is perfect.  The family, the job, the house, the kids, and the dog, all are perfect. What is wrong with my family?”
“I am single living in a one-bedroom apartment.  My boring life.  Her life looks so cool. She seems to have it all put together, and lives a glamorous life.”
            “She is the same age as me and yet she has lived more of a life than me.  I have had so many struggles, and her life is an adventure.”
            “I bet I would be happier if I had…”
            Have you had similar thoughts? Do you compare your life with others?  I know I have, and a lot.  It is easy to do.
God doesn’t want us to do that though. In fact, He tells us not to compare ourselves. He has a plan for each of us.  My journey will look different than yours.  That is okay. It doesn’t make your journey better or worse than mine.  It is your journey, and it is my journey through life.
            This month we are praying that we don’t compare our lives with others.  Our lives, our journey, is unique. We are unique individuals.  Each of us has been designed by our creator uniquely and for different purposes.
            I know that it is sometimes very easy to look at someone’s life and wish that was your life.  It is easy to compare the things that we don’t have with someone who seems to have it all.  This month is not going to be easy.
            How am I going to not compare?  Every we look, we are bombarded with things that we don’t have, can’t afford, or wish we had.  This month, I am going to pray, and make the conscious effort to be content, no more than that, be at peace with what I have, and with who I am.
            God designed me, Laura, to be an original.  Maybe, I don’t look like I want, or am at the place in life I thought I would be.  You know what, that is okay.  I want to be at peace that who I am, is who I am.
            Can I continue to grow in my walk with God, absolutely.  Are there things that I can add to my life or do in my life to not make it so boring? You bet! However, I don’t have to mold myself or fit myself to fit someone that I am not.  I can’t be somebody else, and God doesn’t expect me to be. I am me.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
     We are originals, limited editions, priceless works of God’s art.  The Master Creator designed you and me individually to be individuals.  We are not duplicates, or carbon copies of someone else. So why do we try?
            If we are originals why are we trying to be carbon copies of someone else?  Comparing leads to jealousy, and jealousy can breed contempt.  Life is hard, and we make it harder on ourselves sometimes.
            How can we make life a little easier?  Don’t compare. I am not saying to not strive to be a better person.  God wants us to be the manifestation of Him, and not someone else.  God designed you and me and wants us to be the best you and me that we can be.
This month I know I want to make a concerted effort to not compare my life with anyone else.  I want to thrive as me.  God wants me to thrive as me as well. Will you join me in thriving in our own journey?
Dear Poppa God
You have made each of us an original.  Yes, I know that sometimes we compare our lives with others. I thank you for being so patient, and You continue to point out to us that You have a journey through life just for each one of us.  Help us to understand that we are an original and that is a good thing.
In Jesus name, AMEN
Written by Laura Maxson

1 comment:

  1. You are so right! I love you just the way you are. I can never see the inside of another person who looks perfect to me. I may never know their whole story and know what they have surmounted. But I do know what God has given me and to quote someone “God don’t make mistakes.” I know He walks holding my hand in His. I know there are times He has needed to carry me. I also know I can never be perfect , even in my own eyes and I am OK with this for right now. God and I are working together on my life. I listen to Him, then attempt really hard to get out of His way as He changes me through our relationship together. He is my perfection and in God’s eyes I am perfect.
