Thanksgiving is not just the 4th Thursday of November.  Yes, that is when we celebrate it here in America.  However, I believe that Thanksgiving should be every day of the year.  Every day there is something to be thankful for.  From the fact that I woke up in a warm bed to having friends that love us no matter what. Every day is a new day to be thankful for something.

God puts people in our lives.  That is Thanksgiving.  We were made not to be hermits, but to thrive.  God loves us no matter where we are, and He doesn’t leave us there.  That is a Thanksgiving.  Finally, giving it all to God, that is Thanksgiving too.  It doesn’t have to be a big thanks. It can be a small giving of thanks.  God is in all things.
What I am thankful for:
  • God for giving me His son to die for me.
  • Family and Friends
  • Birthdays
  • Having a little bit of whimsy added to a day 

Pray that God will continue to show you things to be Thankful for.  All we have to do is open our eyes to see it.

Contributed by LM

Counting New Blessings Daily

The idea of counting blessings is not a new one.  At this time of year, in the United States we think of the Thanksgiving season. We look around at seemingly obvious things we can be thankful for. For some it's family, a home, a job, health, life. 

But, at times these things may not seem as obvious to be blessing. Especially when we are going through struggles. Struggles with a difficult job, struggles with family, health, understanding our relationship with God. It can be hard to feel thankful, and remember, "all things work together for good, for those who love God."(Romans 8:28) 

But God's word is true. Unlike our feelings, which are inconsistent at best, He is consistent and steady fast. He is constant and patient. He is Love. 

During this month, as the holiday season comes upon us, let's pray for our eyes to be open to more then just the obvious. Let's pray for eyes to see the new God has for us every morning. 

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." ~Lamentations 3:22,23