What Am I Thankful For?

What am I thankful for?  As I reflected on that question, it took me a little bit to come up with an answer. You see, I am kind of going through a little pity party for myself right now.  Life isn’t going as I “planned.”

This question of “What am I thankful for?” is making me reevaluate the important things in my life that I do have.  To look past those things that are darkening my soul and look to those things that are lights in my life.  I want to see the things in life that I am thankful for.

Life doesn’t always go as planned.  In fact, it rarely does. The things in life that I thought I would be doing, I am not. Who I would be or be with, I am not.  I have this imaginary yard stick by which I am measuring my life.

My life is not a bad life. It is just not where I thought I should be.  Maybe that is where we all are at some point in our lives or maybe multiple times in our lives. I know that I am not the only one that can’t see past the “What If or If only” of life?  

I seem to have a lot of “What if?” or “If only?” in my life.  What if I “this” had happened, then my life would be better.  “If only I did this” or “had that”, then life would be perfect.
Lord, I need to look at what I do have, and all the blessings that you have given me. Help me to realize what I have, and be grateful for that.  Help me to see past the “What If” or “if only” and see that what is in my life right now.

Photo by Leon Contreras on Unsplash
So, what am I thankful for?

I am thankful for the people in my life. Each person in my life adds variety and spice to it.  Without each one of them, I would not be the person I am today. Each person, whether family, friends, or friends that are family and family that are friends, makes my life so much richer.

That is what I am going to focus on, the people in my life and the moments that I have with them. 

After all, you may have everything you ever wanted in life, but if you don’t have people in your life, what is the point. I think that the points in life are the moments that we spend with family and friends.
This month, yes, it is the end of the month, but better late than never, I am going to look at the people that I do have in my life.  I don’t want to dwell on the things or people that I don’t have in my life. Instead, I want to look at the people and appreciate the people I do have in my life.

My family, I feel so lucky that my family and I are close.  I don’t just mean by the physical location of each of us. I am talking about the bond that we have with each other.  Our relationships with each other, is a good thing.  The times we spend together, are moments to treasure.

Two of my best friends don’t live close by, but we are bonded together. They are my family. No distance can come between us.  Through the wonders of cell phones, e-mails, texts, and other devices, I can call them up and we can talk for hours. I am thankful for their love and support through the years. We lean on each other.

Those people I work with, I am thankful for.  Yes, we are all different personalities, but that is what makes it a good thing.  Each one brings something to the table, and that is a good thing.

It is the people in my life that I am so thankful for.  The moments that we have together, make up life. Each one brings special attributes to my life. The memories that we make will last a lifetime.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take you breath away.” (George Carlin)

When I look back, I want to have memories of time with my family and friends.

So, I may not be where I think I should be, but I have people in my life that I love and that love me. There is nothing better than that.

Even if the people are no longer with us, we always have the memories of our times together.
For you reading this, I hope and pray that you find those moments, or people that you are thankful for.   Don’t get so caught up in the “What If” or the “If only” that you lose sight of the what is now.  Count your blessings and moments.

- Laura Maxson

November Prayer Topic: Thankful Hearts

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.  
Philippians 4:12-13
Photo by Ester Marie Doysabas on Unsplash