One Word Resolution - Trust
We have decided to pray about what one word can shape or
define this year with God for us. Our new
year with God resolution. I have been thinking on this for a
while. What one word can shape or define
this year for me?

Then the Lord showed it to me. 2015 in a word
So, for me this is the one word that will
shape and define this year.
Trust is
very tough word for me, but I truly believe that the Lord is trying to teach me
My heart is open to let Him teach me.
Several years ago, I was reading the Bible and I saw the
verse “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your
heart.” (Psalm 37:4) I was so excited,
and telling God, “Yes, I do take delight in You. You know my desires.”
Then I continued to read through Psalm 37. Psalm 37:7 - Be still before the Lord and
wait patiently for Him. I started laughing, “Okay Lord, I will wait
patiently.” Yet, deep down, I did not
truly trust Him that His word was true. I would not admit that, even to myself.
Now, fast forward several years, and many spiritual ups and
downs later. Early morning, September
30, 2014, in my dreams the Lord showed me the fulfillment of one of the desires
of my heart. I was excited to know that
God wanted to fulfill one of my desires. Yet, I still didn’t know the specifics
of how the Lord would fulfill them. I
became anxious, and wondered when and how.
Deep in my soul, I was afraid that God would forget about
His promise to me. I didn’t trust Him to
keep His word. Because of things that
have happened to me in my past, I felt so incomplete and not whole. It was
difficult for me to trust people. So, I
truly didn’t trust God to always be there.
Yet, I would never have admitted that either.
November 15, 2014, Sabbath morning, I awoke, and the anxiety
was gone. I felt complete and whole in
God. It finally clicked, and all made sense.
That morning, I gave it all to the Lord.
I surrendered all to Him, including myself. I finally let Him in completely. I finally understood that I can trust
Looking back at my life, He has proven over and over again
that He can be trusted. I just wasn’t looking close enough. God hasn’t
forgotten me, and loves me. In Him, I am
a new person. So, I trust that if He shows
me something, He will complete it.
Every morning, I give myself to God. I surrender it all to Him. They are His challenges, and problems. I trust the Lord to be there, and to not
leave me. He won’t hurt me.
“For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
So, TRUST will define my
year. I surrender myself to Him, all my
anxieties and fears and dreams to Him. I
trust that He is God. I trust Him.
Let’s pray that God will continue to be our new year’s resolution.
Dear Lord, You have
shown me that I can trust You. I trust You to be my God. I trust You to not
turn Your back on me. I trust that You
made me whole and complete, and for that I thank You.
Laura Maxson