Prayer for our Leaders…

How do we move forward if we feel that our leaders have made wrong decisions that have the capability to divide us further?  Honestly, that is something that I am currently struggling with.  Recently my faith in certain organizations has been shaken to my core. Can I get past those decisions?  I hope so.
I am angry, and saddened by certain decisions by our leaders that have been made in the name of Christianity. Witnessing the actions of some of our leaders that were less than Christ-like, and they claim to be Christians, is to say the least, disheartening. I am saddened in decisions that has the potential to split us wide open.  It is the actions of people, our leaders.   Yet, I pray for them.  I pray that God will show us His Power.
My faith in God has remained strong.  It has to, or what else do I believe in. This morning, I was singing at the top of my lungs a song about power in the Name of Jesus.  The radio was so loud, that it drowned out all thoughts of doubt or anger.  I believe that there is power in the name of Jesus.
I choose to Trust in the Lord. It is my word for the year.  I choose to trust that even despite bad decisions, or divisive decisions, God can still shine brightly.  He is so much more than any human in power.  So, I choose the power that is in the Name of Jesus.

POWER in the Name of Jesus. 
* J E S U S *

Lord, I pray that you help me remember that it is about You.  I don’t want to be angry, or hurt about decisions that were made by man.  I pray that even though some decisions that were made, and I see as wrong, You will shine through the darkness.  You are our Light, and our Power source. There is Power in your Name.  There is Power in Jesus' Name.  If I scream that at the top of my lungs every day, maybe the anger will dissipate.  I need you Lord to help me not become jaded against our leaders.  You are in control, and you can heal us.  You can change hearts of our leaders, if they will listen.   May we never lose focus of what is the most important, and that is You. AMEN

We continue to pray for our leaders this month, whether we agree with their decisions or not.  God is bigger.

~Laura Maxson

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