Praying for World Leaders

Anyone watching the news lately will wonder where this world is going, and who is in control and who is making the decision.  Some of you may know where this world is going and are worried about it.  Whatever your views are Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, there are things going on in this world that are scary.  

This year we have had so many disasters.  Just to name a few that have happened in recent days, Turkey, France, Dallas, and Baton Rouge.  All of these disasters came from a decision made by one person or a group of people, a decision that has affected a lot of people.

World leaders have decisions that they have to make every day. If you stop and think of the pressure that leaders, any leaders, are under, it is a monumental undertaking.  How to keep their people safe, whether civilians, or officers, and it is not just in the USA. 

What do they do after a coup? What is the next step with the Brexit vote?  How can we protect our people from being mowed over by a truck? How can keep people safe from being shot? These are just a few of the questions they have to face.

Every day our leaders have to make decisions that affect us.  I have to admit that sometimes this really scares me. I don’t agree with all of those decisions. Yet, I remember that my God is so much bigger than any hate, any person, any wrong decision.  I can pray for our leaders.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10

Praying for our leaders is something that we can do.  We don’t have to agree with every decision.  Yet, there are times that we don’t have all the pieces, as our leaders should.  Pray that our leaders take all the information that they have, and make the best decision.

We can pray that our world leaders are given all the information, and make the best decision based on the latest and greatest information.  You and I can also do our part.  When we have a chance to make a difference, like voting-do it.  Pray before you vote, whichever way it is.  If you pray before you vote, then you are voting how God wants you to vote.

 “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you.  I do not give it as the world does.  Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” John 14:27

I am proud to be an American.  Do I agree with everything that has happened here, or decisions that have been and will continue to be made here? No, I do not.  I do realize that my country, and every country around the globe, is made up of people, and as long as people are in any country, wrong decisions will be made. 

So, my job is to pray for those that make the decisions.  Also, write your leaders, whether congressman, or local leader, and tell them that you are praying for them this month.  Don’t complain about taxes, or the bad decisions they have made.  Just tell them that you are praying for them.

Dear Lord,
Lord, I must remember that you are still on Your thrown.  I pray for our world leaders as they make life altering decisions that affect us all.  Please give the wisdom to make the best decision.


~ Laura Maxson

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