March Prayer Topic: What are You Holding On To?

Coming home from work, I put my cell phone on the counter in the kitchen that holds many things, keys, multiple electronic devices, mail and the such. There, sitting just to the left of my phone, a medium size brown envelope with my name on it!

"What's this?!" A smile spread across my face. I love getting real mail.

"Oh, yeah.That came for you today," was the reply.

Quickly, I tore into the envelope, to discover this beautiful, thread bound, square book called "Comparison Trap" by Sandra Stanley. As I opened the front cover, what caught my eye was sparkling gold washi tape that held a letter in place.

It was from a dear friend. "Tini," she began. "I started the year with this devotional. I found it truly inspiring and amazing. It changed my perspective in many areas. My copy is all marked up..."

Immediately, I picked up the phone and called her.

She shared with me the story behind how she discovered this 28-day devotional. How it helped her to see familiar verses from the Bible in a new light, and also, how it changed the way she lived her life.

After hanging up the phone, I nestled down into the couch and flipped through the pages of this book. It was full of beautiful pictures, hand lettering, and inspirational quotes. I pulled out my phone, downloaded the companion app and began watching the first video.

Sharing from the Word of God, what Sandra and her husband, Andy, spoke, settled down into my heart. How often do I live my life comparing? Comparing what I have and don't have, qualities, things, people? Not just in my life, but the lives of my family as well?

Andy spoke on Ecclesiastes 4:6, "Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls of toil and chasing after the wind." His question-what are the things in our lives that we grab a hold on so tightly, that we don't allow a hand to be open to God?

His picture was so clear. Two hands, faced down, with fists clenched tightly. Versus, one hand, face down holding on to tranquillity, while the other hand, palm facing up, open-ready to receive whatever God has for us.

As I listened to those words, I could see the things in my life that I held tightly to. Things that would not allow me to freely accept the good and perfect gifts from my Father.

So my questions to you is the same. When you close your eyes, what is it that you see? Things that might be holding you back? Things that can cause a life of discontentment? Things that keep you from accepting His gift so easily and freely? Or maybe it is tranquillity in one hand, and another ready to receive from God.

What are you holding on to?

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