May Prayer Topic: Philippians 4:12-13

I Can do ALL This Through HIM
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:12-13 NIV)
This month we are praying this scripture.  Whatever we are going through, the good, the bad, or the ugly, we can do all of this through HIM who gives us strength.  He will give us strength not just in the good times, but in the bad times too.
We need to remember that.  I need to remember that.  Sometimes it is not that easy. Here is the question though, be content in any and every situation?  Content, as an adjective, is defined as “In a state of peaceful happiness.” 
Some people may ask questions. Be content with through hard times, through losses, through abuse, through?  Is that what I am supposed to be, content. Or, they say, if I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength, then why is something, or my life not going like I planned it?
         In reading through some commentaries and other articles about Philippians 4:12-13.  It helped me to look at this a little differently.  It is about God who is there and equips me for it all. That means the good, the bad, and the ugly.
         God is there in the trenches of this sinful world.  He holds tight to a little girl who is being abused and He is crying.  He holds her tightly, because of this sinful world. Because of this sinful world, and our free will, bad things happen.  
Everyone has free will, and sometimes we use that free will in the most horrendous of ways that hurt other people.  Maybe, we are the ones that were hurt because someone was using their free will. God is there to give us strength for those times.
He gave me strength to move on from that abuse.  That abuse that could have put me down another path, but because of God and His persistence, I am not defined by that abuse. I am God’s child, and every day, I can say, because of God in my life, I can do ALL things through HIM.
         Moreover, He is also there to celebrate with us when we are on the mountaintop of life.  When things are going well, and life is good.  He is there when we don’t have anything to complain about. He is there. So, yes, we can do all things through Him. 
Photo by Niilo Isotalo on Unsplash
         So, whatever situation you are in, you can do ALL things.  Being content is a little more challenging.  When something doesn’t go as planned, or the dark of night seems to overshadow the light, God is there to shine the light.
         At least this is what these words in Philippians are saying to me.  What are they saying to you?  I hope that we pray and find out what this scripture this month means to us.
         My prayer is that we all get to the point where whatever is going on in our lives, God is an evidentiary part of our life.  He is real, and he wants to be a part of each of our lives, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Dear Poppa God.
         I take this opportunity to thank you for giving us the strength when our well is dry.  You fill us up, if we allow you.  Thank you, and may this month, we realize that no matter what we are going through in life, you are there.
In Jesus Name,

Laura Maxson

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