Prayer for Abuse Victims & Abusers

This month we are going to pray for abuse victims and the abusers.  Yes, it is tough, and it will not make us feel warm and fuzzy inside.  This is a huge issue in our world.  All of us, whether we know it or not, know someone who has been abused or is being abused.

Facts:  Every 107 seconds (almost every 2 minutes) another American is sexually assaulted. 1 in 3 women worldwide have been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will experience some form of sexual abuse before the age of 18.  Nearly 31% of American women report being physical or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.  It is not just women who are abused by their partners, men, also, are being abused by their wife, girlfriend, or partner.

“O Lord, you hear the desires of the afflicted: you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more.” Psalm 10:17-18

These numbers are staggering. Why does God allow this?  I know I have asked this question.  It has taken prayer, and searching to soothe my heart. What I have found is that sin is in this world.  That is not an easy answer.  What God has shown me is that He has given each of us have free will.  With that free will there are certain things that God “choses” not to interfere.  Sin is one of those.  If God interfered with a person’s free will, then it would not be free will.

That does not give comfort to those who are being abused, mentally, physically, spiritually, or sexually. We must pray that abuse victims get the help they need.   There is something that we can do too, besides prayer.  If you know that abuse is taking place, it is our duty to do something about it. We can be the answer to prayer ourselves.

If you suspect a child, or an adult you are acquainted with is possibly being abused, do something.  You can be the safe place if they need to talk to you, and you can help them with the next steps, reporting, or other. Do you know that only 68% of sexual assaults are reported?

You can do something.  You can get involved, and support them. Some people feel so alone. Prayer is necessary, but if you know someone who needs help, then actions are equally necessary.  Even action towards those abusing.  Help them, report them, and be there for them, if you feel comfortable doing so.

Pray for those that are abusing.  We need to pray that they will listen to the Holy Spirit, and their hearts will be softened.  Anyone can change, because God doesn’t give up on anyone.  He hurts for all of us.

How can I say that?  Because, I have seen the abuser years later finally being set free from his sins.  God is taking Him on the journey. 

God has the ability to make everyone new.  Jesus died for all of us, the abused, and the abusers.  Pray that God will shine the light on the darkness.  God can make us whole, if we are willing to be made whole.

 “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.” Psalm 9:9

There are resources out there.  If you have been abused, there is hope. If you have abused, there is hope.  God wants you, and He will show you, if we only have our eyes and ears open.  There is help out there. 

For those that maybe don’t know of anyone that has been abused, or is abusing, pray that God would show you what He wants you to do.  Maybe, it is just you praying specifically, and that is great too.

“For You are my rock and my fortress; and for Your name’s sake You lead and guide me;” Psalm 31:3-4

Dear Lord
Blessed be Your name.  There is sin in this world, and we want You to come, and destroy all the sin.  Yet, while we live in this world there will be sin.  We pray for the people who are being abused.  We also pray for those abusing.  You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, and anyone who comes to You will have eternal life.  Shine the light, be the Light for the world to see.

Laura Maxson

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