Giving Thanks with Open Eyes

            As a child, Thanksgiving was a time where we sat around a large family table.  We would spend time together as a family.  There were times that my family lived a long ways away from each other.  So, to spend a few days as a family was a good thing. 

            Before we ate the meal, we would go around that table and say what we were thankful for. It was anything from, being out of school, to being together as a family.  We would give our thanks for those things in our lives. 

            Now as an adult, I have started a tradition of giving thanks to God each morning for what He has done for me, and shown me the previous day. Every morning as I have my devotions.  I thank God for His amazing love and power. I also pray that God will open my eyes to see His glory in whatever form that may be. 

Last Sunday morning, as I was driving somewhere, I look up and there is a little rainbow in the clouds.  The sky is blue, but there is this little prism of color in the clouds.  It was my answer.

As I was driving, I thank God for opening my eyes to see that. It got me thinking about how many other ways God shows me His love, and I miss it.  I miss it, because I am so focused on other things-or myself.  Some days, I can’t see past all the items in life.  So, I want to give thanks to God with my eyes opened.

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.” Ephesians 1:18

            What can God show you when He opens your eyes?  Better yet, what can happen when God opens the eyes of our hearts?  Will we be able to see so much more then what is visible to the eye? Give thanks when God opens the eyes of our hearts.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

There is a song by Michael W. Smith. “Open the eyes of my Heart.”  “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, I want to see you.  To see You high and lifted up, Shining in the light of your glory.  Pour out Your power and love as we sing holy, holy holy.”

That is what I want. I want to daily see, God shining in the light of His glory and pouring His power and love on me.  I pray that God will open the eyes of my heart to those things and people around me.

Photo by kartini r. maxson
Poppa God, I thank you for the daily reminders of Your glory.  Open the eyes of our heart, and please pour out Your power and love on each one of us. We give You thanks each day for those amazing blessings You have given each of us.  I pray that You open the eyes of our hearts so that we can see Your glory, and also, see those around us that might need us to show them Your glory.  Thank you.
In Jesus Name Amen.

Laura Maxson


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