God’s Word for My Year - 2017

God is truly amazing.  He shows us answers to our questions in His timing and in His way. November 7, 2016, that is the date that God gave me my word for the year 2017. 

My word for 2017 is Openness.  I looked up the word to see what the dictionary defined it as. 

[Openness is a noun, and is defined as lack of restrictions; accessibility.  It is also defined as acceptance of or receptiveness to change or new ideas.]

God has started making the changes, and I have already been receptive to those changes.  The last six months have been full of changes and new ideas. I have been on a journey, not only emotionally, but physically.  There has been a constant in it all, and that is my Lord.

I would have to say the last three months, I have become closer and more dependent on God.  He keeps showing me His amazing love.  Every day I see His works all around me.  He is always there. 

This last several months have been some of the more challenging, and with so many questions that I have had.  God is showing me that He’s got me, and He’s got my back.  He will not lead me astray, or in the wrong direction.

“Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest in hope, because You will not abandon my soul to Hades, nor will You let Your Holy One see corruption.  You have made known to me the paths of life, You will fill me with joy in Your presence.”  Acts 2:26-28

Recently, as I was having my devotions, I was open with God and with myself.  I sat on the recliner that has become my prayer recliner.  I wrote down my prayer in my prayer journal, and as I wrote, I became more honest with myself.  God already knows my heart, but I was honest with Him too.

I was struggling and scared.  Doubt was creeping in.  Here He has given me this answer and I was having doubts.  Yes, I said it.  I was doubting Him.  He knew that I was, and He was there to reassure me. 

Though I was doubting him, I was focused on Him.  I looked to Him for the answers, and will continue to do so.  He is God, He can handle whatever I throw at Him, if I am open with Him, and with myself.

I realize that the doubts are of the devil, and in Jesus’ name, God rebuked the devil and the devil fled.  “Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7.  I cling to that promise.

God is God and I am not.  I can’t do it on my own.  The more open I am, the more He can come into my heart, my mind, and my soul.  So, when doubts come in, I look to Him, and my heart is open.

I am open to the will of God.  He will not lead me astray.  You can trust Him too.

Dear Lord, Thank You for revealing yourself to me today in a moment of weakness, You were there to be my stronghold.  Thank you that I can be open with you and myself.  You are my Lord, In Jesus’ Name Amen.

Laura Maxson


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