Sometimes it Takes a 2x4

In the last blog post, I mentioned that God sent me a little Valentine ’s Day card.  It was not lost on me that the card was 2x4.  Sometimes it takes a 2x4 to refocus my mind towards what is becoming the most important relationship to me.  My relationship with God.  To continue on with my word for the year Trust.  I trust that He will always be there, and will not hurt me.  He will never leave me nor forsake me. (Deuteronomy 31:6)  He has promised that He will always be there.

We moved a lot, and it sometimes seemed that just as I was getting close to someone we would move.  After a while of that happening, I put up a wall in my heart.   It wasn’t just because of our moving, it was a past that I really couldn’t shake either.   I wouldn’t let anyone pass a certain point.  So, people were held at arm’s length.   

I was doing that with God too.  He kept trying to get closer to me, but I had my walls up.  I would only let Him in just so far. I really didn’t know if I could trust Him.  I felt like a hypocrite saying that, and would not admit that to myself.  Even as I write the words, I wonder to myself how I could think that.   Yet, our God is a patient God, and He did not give up on me. 
His love never changes.  It is I that changes, whether for the better or the worse.  It is I that moves closer or further away from Him.  No matter how far I went away from Him, He was always right where I left him.

Today, I am so close to Him, and becoming more in love with Him.  I trust him, and through that trust, I have allowed myself to be emotional healed from all the past.  I am a new person in Him.  To have that freedom of past pain and hurt, is something that is…I don’t think I can describe it.  What I will say is that because of my God, I am not the same person I was a year ago.  I am not the same person I was three months ago.

My relationship with God has also transformed my relationships with people as well as transforming me.  They are no longer held at arm’s length.  I have a new love for those people in my life.  Sometimes He shouts to get our attention, sometimes He whispers, and sometimes He uses a 2x4 card.

Dear Lord, thank you for being ever present in my life.  Thank you Lord for saving my soul….Thank you Lord for making me whole.  I love you. Amen

By: Laura Maxson

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