March Prayer Topic: After putting God first, then what?

Life More Abundant

John 10:10 …I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

My day, get up, have devotions, exercise, breakfast, get ready for work, at the office for nine or more hours, fight traffic, maybe get groceries, fix supper, on Wednesday nights, I have bible study with three other people at my place, after they are gone, I get lunch ready for next day, and clean up, and finally before falling asleep, I like to take hot shower, then I get to do it all again the next day.

I look at the list above, and I am exhausted just looking at it.  How many of us look at that list, and can actually add things to it?  We have filled our lives so full.  Is that a good thing?  Do we have life more abundantly? 

Here is another question, are you so glad that the weekend is here, instead of enjoying every day as God intending?  We have filled our lives with so much stuff.  Is it worthy stuff?  Absolutely, and don’t get me wrong, these things are important.  However, have we filled our lives so full that we have lost prospective of why we were made?

For me, I realize that I have filled my days so full.  Maybe, I can have a new outlook on my day to day.  Instead of a checklist of what I need to do, I can see if I can do them praising the Lord.  Will that change anything?

So, let’s see if I can change my outlook.

·      When I get up, I have worship.  That it is an easy one.  I start my day praising the Lord. 
·      Next, exercise, there are days that I don’t feel like it.  However, I try and go for a least a walk for about a half an hour or so.  While walking, I can put my I-pod on and listen to Christian music.  Or, if I go to the gym, then I can do the same things, and listen to Christian music instead of the loud music playing in the gym.
·      Eat breakfast & get ready for the day.  Praise the Lord that I have food in my refrigerator, and a job to go to.

·      Work – take the opportunity to be a witness to those that I work with and come in contact with at the office.   So, instead of growling over the list of things to do, I will praise and be joyful for the job that I have.
·      Driving home in traffic – Sometimes I wonder where people learned to drive, or if they even took Driver’s Ed.  How do I tackle that one?  Yes, I can change my outlook on that one too.  I can turn my radio to positive Christian music, and sing along.  I have been known to sing other songs at the top of my lungs.  Why not Christian songs?

So, you see there are several things that I can do to change my outlook.  Maybe you can think of your own ways.   Another idea is what we want to pray and see if the Lord will reveal in you what ways we can change our outlook.

Dear Lord, please show me a life more abundant.  I don’t want my life to be a checklist that I look at, at the end of the day to make sure I got everything done that needed to be done.  I want my life to be a praise to you, and no matter what I do, let me do it to your praise. Amen

Written By - Laura Maxson

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