In January, we prayed and chose our word for the year. The
word that would help define the year 2015.
Well, the year is almost over. This month, I want you to reflect on what
changes have occurred in your life based on your word for this year.
What was your word? Has God opened your eyes? Has He shown you His glory? What difference has that word made in your life? Has it made a difference in your life? Did you allow God to show you his meaning of that word for your life? What changes did God make in you because of your word?
What was your word? Has God opened your eyes? Has He shown you His glory? What difference has that word made in your life? Has it made a difference in your life? Did you allow God to show you his meaning of that word for your life? What changes did God make in you because of your word?
As the end of the year is fast approaching, I want us to
pray that God will show us what He has done in our lives this year. Make this a month of reflection and prayer
for what God has done in your life. You will then realize that God is in
control, if we allow Him. So, that no
matter what happens, with God in our lives, we can get through it.

Through my reflection of that word of the year, God has
opened my eyes, and showed me His glory.
I realized that I could TRUST God. It was that trust that helped me truly
realize the grace that God has for me. It was my trust in God that helped me
give grace to the people that hurt me.
I trust God with all my heart, and with that trust He is
showing me His love and grace daily.
Every day is a battle, but right at this moment, I have given up control
of my issues, anxieties, and fears to Him.
They are all God’s now, and He
is so much bigger, stronger, and more capable then I am. I have given Him my life.

My journey with God is far from over. It is a trusting relationship that grows more
and more every day. Given up control of my life was the most difficult
part. However, I was done fighting. God was there through it all. He was waiting for me to come to Him. He
doesn’t force His way into our lives.
My trust in Him allowed me to face the person that so many years
ago hurt me. The baggage that I had been
holding onto, I had given to God. So,
when I saw that person, I did not see that person in my human anger. I saw them in a new light, and saw them as a
child of God who needed God’s grace just as much as I do. When I saw that person, I realized that they
were not the same either. God is working
in their life too.

How do you trust someone?
The more you get to know them, the more you trust them. God has I have learned that
my God is to be trusted. He is a God of
His word.
shown me time and time again that He is a God to trust.
shown me time and time again that He is a God to trust.
I never realized that a word could change me
completely. It isn’t the word that
changes my life, but the meaning of that word. If I am truly allowing God to
work in me, then my word will change my life.
To just know that I can trust my God is an incredible feeling.
Life won’t always be perfect, I know that. Yet, with my trust in God, the mountains
don’t look so impenetrable. With my
trust in God, my fears, anxieties are now His, and they are no longer fears or
anxieties. With my trust in God, He is
in control, which is so much better than me being in control.
God has control. I
trust that He will be my GPS in my life.
I am no longer afraid that God won’t do what He promised. He has already proven that He is a God of his
word. I trust God, and that trust has
manifested itself into my life in many ways.
By my allowing God in, I have also let in good people. My heart is open. I used to be scared to let
people, but now I trust. I trust God. He is such an amazing God that changes
people if we allow Him access to our hearts.
God has a plan for our lives, and He wants to show us that
plan. If I trust God, than He will lead
me step by step along our journey together. To me that is cool.
“Take delight in the Lord, and he will
give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
He is giving me the desires of my heart, only my desires
have changed. What I used to want have now grown into something more. God has given me new desires, and a new
focus. He is guiding my journey. I trust God to guide me, to show me his plan
for my life. I trust God.
Dear Lord,
continue to guide me on our journey. I
trust you to lead the way. Each person on this blog, bless them, and continue
to guide them on their journey with You.
You have done such an amazing thing in my life, and I can’t take credit
for any of it. It was all You. If we allow You, You will change us from the
inside out.
Laura Maxson
Laura Maxson
NOTE: If you
want to comment on what God has done for your life during this year, please
do. There is a comment section on this
blog, feel free to use it. We want to
hear what God is doing in your life, or if you don’t feel comfortable, just
share your word for this year. Thank you
for being on this journey with us.
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