Dear Lord,
Thank You for the end of this year. The end of this chapter, a mark in time, a stamp I have put in my life.
It's been a year of counting. Counting blessing, only the ones I've been able to see with my human eyes. Such a great year in you. Filled with joy, triumph, sadness, change, questioning, defeat, but all in you and with you. The Real and The Relevant.
I ask for the "remember when we felt close" moments, looking yearningly at the past. Looking back without realizing, yes, we got closer then, but we're past that now. Those moments brought us to where we are now. Going back to those moments would be going backwards in our relationship.
You are the Alpha and Omega. Beginning and the End. My past in you hands. But You want me to know You are the God of my future and everything in between.
You know it's hard for me to leave blank pages in my journal, "incomplete." But, tomorrow we start new. A new book, with pages left unmarked in this one. I'll try to justify with it's left for blessings and requests groaned by the Holy Spirit. But I'm OK in You, even if these pages remain unmarked, because this is Your story. Not mine.
Help me to trust you with where we go next. In all things. Life, home, family, nursing, Circle of Prayer, Sabbath School, counting blessings, worship reading, Bible reading, mom, wife, daughter, friend.
Thanks you for always loving me, hoping for me, wanting me.
I leave me past in "Your sweet embrace, " and move forward into the future trusting Your loving plan, while living Your present offering my marked sinful offering of glorifying You. All made perfect in and through Jesus.
All My Love,
Thank You for the end of this year. The end of this chapter, a mark in time, a stamp I have put in my life.
It's been a year of counting. Counting blessing, only the ones I've been able to see with my human eyes. Such a great year in you. Filled with joy, triumph, sadness, change, questioning, defeat, but all in you and with you. The Real and The Relevant.
I ask for the "remember when we felt close" moments, looking yearningly at the past. Looking back without realizing, yes, we got closer then, but we're past that now. Those moments brought us to where we are now. Going back to those moments would be going backwards in our relationship.
You are the Alpha and Omega. Beginning and the End. My past in you hands. But You want me to know You are the God of my future and everything in between.
You know it's hard for me to leave blank pages in my journal, "incomplete." But, tomorrow we start new. A new book, with pages left unmarked in this one. I'll try to justify with it's left for blessings and requests groaned by the Holy Spirit. But I'm OK in You, even if these pages remain unmarked, because this is Your story. Not mine.
Help me to trust you with where we go next. In all things. Life, home, family, nursing, Circle of Prayer, Sabbath School, counting blessings, worship reading, Bible reading, mom, wife, daughter, friend.

I leave me past in "Your sweet embrace, " and move forward into the future trusting Your loving plan, while living Your present offering my marked sinful offering of glorifying You. All made perfect in and through Jesus.
All My Love,