God’s Word for My Year - 2016

This month, we have again decided that we are going to pray about the one word that will define or shape this year.  I know that it helped me last year.  It shaped, defined, and effected my year last year.  I hope that it did the same thing for you.

This New Year, the pages are blank.  It is our new book, our new journey.  It is an opportunity to start over, and try something that we haven’t ever done before.  We do resolutions, and then stick to them for about two weeks.  Well, that is not going to be this year of the word.

So, for 2016 what word does God want for me to define my year?  I have prayed, and kept my eyes and ears open to God.  He gave me the answer. It came on December 31, and again on January 1.  

God was making sure that I got the word that He wanted to define and shape my year. Confidence.

I looked up that word.  Confidence – the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.”  God wants me to have confidence in Him, in other, and in myself.  It is very similar to my word last year, trust. 

Yet, I feel that God is wanting me to have confidence in not only Him, but myself, and others.  Last year, He impressed me that I need to write a book of my story of God’s Amazing Grace.  I feel so unconfident undertaking that task. I kept putting it off, and putting it off.  He wants this year for me to be confident in myself, and allow Him to shine through me.

So, that is what my year will be.  I will not only be confident in my God, but in myself that I can do what God is calling me to do.  Through God, I will be confident. Through God, all things are possible.

I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
How did God show me that word?  Well, it was in an evaluation that I got from my boss on December 31. He said that I was very strong in the things that I already know, but that I needed more confidence in the things that I don’t know as well.  I need confidence that I am able to do them, answer #1. 

Then, on January 1 in church the pastor was preaching, and something was mentioned about David and Goliath.  The pastor said that David had confidence that God would show His glory, answer #2. So, I wrote the word on the bulletin.

I don’t know how God is going to show you your word for the year, but I do know that if you pray and are open, He will show you.  He wants us to grow in Him. So, open your eyes and ears and watch and listen for God to show you what He wants for you.
This year is the start of something new. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he (or she) is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Dear Lord,
Reveal Your word to those reading these words.  Show them what You want for this year for them. You have a special word for each of them.  You have shown me my word, and I have confidence in You that You will show each person their own.  Thank you for amazing grace.

Laura Maxson

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